Look around our surroundings or around you right now – if you were suddenly whisked away from this reality, would you be trying desperately to hang onto everything around you or just let go of your surroundings and move on? Most people prefer to hang onto the earlier option than the later one. But try to live your life as if you might suddenly be whisked away. I am not saying that it will happen. I am saying to expect the unexpected. Be forewarned that your illusion of daily comfort and routine is just that – illusion. Spirit advises practicing detachment: it is the best way to live during these extraordinary times of rapid change on our beloved planet Earth. When you are willing to experiment and ready to explore the newer avenues or the roads less travelled, our life will be much more interesting.
What is meant by sport? Why sports are necessary? Sports are meant to make people sportive. But the word sportive has been literally used only while playing the game or discussing about the game. But its not meant to be for that one alone. The word 'sportive' has been used everywhere even to describe the characters of the persons. Good sportsperson will always be a good human being. I just don't wanna take the truth away form this statement just because of one or two exceptions(Shane Warne and Tiger Woods). The sportsperson will not only learn the nuances of the game but also the nuances of how to live, survive, struggle and come out victorious. These are the reasons why they are all great people. To let you people know about this, am going to take a small incident from my life and explain it to you. Ya, its going to be a flashback. One day we were playing a...
Most days we walk through the day without much thought about how we will communicate. We speak to our family in the same old way. Our chatter with the store clerks is fleeting. The emails we send are filled with our wants, needs, desires and demands. Where is the communication that is filled with goodness and intention? We say our intention is to communicate with love and kindness. But is it really true? If that were so true, then our own inner voices would be much kinder and loving. The thought towards someone who is homeless would be of gratitude that they have the courage to be there and that you are able to help even if only with a kind word. Our frustrations towards the little things that aren’t going right would be to cut the cord, give ourselves some grace and turn onto the next thing. Plato mindfulness When we are mindful about our communication in the quiet inner voices that reach outward, then you are being mindful on all levels. The most intense energy comes from ou...
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