
Showing posts from 2012


Today the date is 21st December 2012. The date everyone has kept on talking about because it has been speculated that today will be the final day for Mother Earth. But i believe today is not the end of the world just the end of my struggle for existence in this wonderful world. I am gonna start a fresh and new life as if I was reborn again. I am gonna start off my new life right here, right now and I have started it.








I am writing a book and I have got the page numbers done for it.


Why is abbreviation such a long word?


What happens if you get half scared to death twice?


What is a free gift? Are all gifts not free?


It is the first birthday in the last 7 years to have celebrated with: 10 times more wishes on FB than from wishes through phone. Celebrated without having a piece of cake or a single chocolate. Nobody in the entire office knows that today is my birthday. Even those who have my numbers doesn't want to wish through a message. But wish me on FB. Had a great day which made myself rethink about lots and lots of things about my life. Thanks to one and all who have made me to think about myself. WITH REGRETS BUT NOT SAD, ANAND

How is that???

I made a life-changing decision not to change my lifestyle. SOURCE: BARNIE STINSON

When I grow up, I wanna be...

I have grown up. Isn't it???? Then i should be able to complete this sentence very easily. But i still have not got the right words to fill it in there. I just kept on pondering over this line for so much time and felt exhausted and tired since i could not even able to connect my life with what i want to do with it. I still didn't able to find it out. I'm really envious of those people who have a passion, something they love throwing themselves into. Something that gets them jumping out of bed in the mornings. I also fill with anguish when I see people throw their dreams away to do something 'safe' or 'better' or because "x" thinks I should'. I think to have a passion is one of life's greatest gifts. Do you have a secret passion, something you'd love to do but would never in a million years? Do you have something that you're so excited about that you bounce out of bed every morning ready to tackle it? Have you always known ex...


How can i be so dumb to tell all the secrets to some people and didn't even realize that they are my best friends?


I'm a walker, not a runner. I like the pace of it, the simplicity. To some people, that sounds slack, like walking is taking the easy way. Not so. Ask me to run three kilometers and I'll struggle. But walk 100k's? Done, no probs. I used to run through life. Fast-paced, ticking boxes, getting stuff done.  Every single day was a chance to do, to achieve. Problem is, a soul can't soak up life at that pace. Now, I walk my life. I want my life to be about the 100 kilometers, not three. I take each step purposefully. I achieve things, just differently. I'm catching up with myself. Letting my soul catch up. Sometimes I yearn to get back to the fast pace. To learn to run the 100. There are so many things I want to do in the days and years ahead of me. Sometimes I think that one day I'll be a force to be reckoned with. Other days I don't know that what I want to be. And so I just keep walking. For now, I'm just walking at a pace my soul can app...


Sometimes when you feel like giving up, just listen to that little voice that says, "keep on going"  and you'll be ok.


Look around our surroundings or around you right now – if you were suddenly whisked away from this reality, would you be trying  desperately to hang onto everything around you or just let go of your surroundings and move on? Most people prefer to hang onto the earlier option than the later one. But try to live your life as if you might suddenly be whisked away. I am not saying that it will happen. I am saying to expect the unexpected. Be forewarned that your illusion of daily comfort and routine is just that – illusion. Spirit advises practicing detachment: it is the best way to live during these extraordinary times of rapid change on our beloved planet Earth. When you are willing to experiment and ready to explore the newer avenues or the roads less travelled, our life will be much more interesting.


Even though I remember a lot of my dreams, I tend to get hung up on the ones I don’t remember. I’ll sit up in my bed, trying my best to remember what I dreamt before it fades away. Sometimes I’m able to recall parts of the dream, but as much as I try, I just can’t remember all of it. We dream about every hour and a half and the longest dreams last from thirty to forty-five minutes. One would think that so many dreams unfolding each time we sleep would leave a more lasting impression. So why don’t they? They can—if you’re willing to do a little work. If you want to tap into your subconscious and start recalling your dreams, these tips will help get you started. 1. Keep a Dream Journal Writing our dreams down as soon as we wake is one of the best ways to remember them; it also helps us decipher them since we’re able to reference them at any time. Some experimenters suggests an experiment for remembering our dreams by recommending us to invest us in a long-lasting, hardcov...


Most days we walk through the day without much thought about how we will communicate. We speak to our family in the same old way. Our chatter with the store clerks is fleeting. The emails we send are filled with our wants, needs, desires and demands. Where is the communication that is filled with goodness and intention? We say our intention is to communicate with love and kindness. But is it really true? If that were so true, then our own inner voices would be much kinder and loving. The thought towards someone who is homeless would be of gratitude that they have the courage to be there and that you are able to help even if only with a kind word. Our frustrations towards the little things that aren’t going right would be to cut the cord, give ourselves some grace and turn onto the next thing. Plato mindfulness When we are mindful about our communication in the quiet inner voices that reach outward, then you are being mindful on all levels. The most intense energy comes from ou...


Its tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind when you really do.


Am Ready to trigger myself now and gonna go a long way like the bullet. 


LIBRARY!!! I would like to have one such library in my own home.


Rain Makes Myself Excited You move quickly... in fact, you're always on the go!  You tend to have your head in the clouds. You are a bit absent minded, and you're often lost in your thoughts.  You find it difficult to be comfortable, and you are often shocked by your surroundings.  You prefer to be around people who are familiar and trusted. Your best friends are your oldest friends.  You find peace when you are alone. You know how to balance your emotions well.

My True Passion!!!

Your True Passion is Leadership You feel most alive when you are bringing out the best in people. It brings out the best in you in return.  You love to teach others and guide them. You are very patient. Giving back is important to you. You want to make the world a better place, and you know you can't do it alone. You need a team supporting you.  For you, there's nothing more satisfying than a group of people working toward a common goal. Especially if you're leading that group.


You Are Bold and Fearless You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.  You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.  You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. What do you guys think about this???? I want to know your thoughts. Please feel free to share.


Sometimes rather than food and shelter, a peace of mind is what you need the most to survive in this busy world.


After many attempts, many failures, many lessons,  and many false starts, success arrived but only through  believing in what I've said earlier.  Learn valuable lessons from failure;  turn dreams into action plans,  and don't let a dream only be that - a dream!


The obsession for something bigger The search for something better We all use what we have right now. The search never ends, time does.

Do You Know????

King Louis XIV of France bathed only thrice in his lifetime. 80% of the people over the age of 100 are women. If your circulation system is laid out end to end,it would circle the globe 2.5 times. An average human produces about 37,900 litres of saliva in their entire lifetime.


¤ When A Person Laughs 2 Much Even On Stupid Things, Be Sure That Person Is Sad Deep Inside. ¤ When A Person Sleeps a lot, be Sure that person Is Lonely. ¤ When A Person Talks Less, And If He Talks, he Talks Fast Then It Means That Person Keeps Secrets. ¤ When Someone Can't Cry, then That Person Is Weak. ¤ When Someone Eats In Abnormal Way Then That Person Is In Tension. ¤ When Someone Cry On Little Things Then It Means He Is Innocent & Soft hearted. ¤ When Someone Gets Angry On Silly Or Small Things It Means he or she is in Love. I have finally found out all these things are true in our real life through some experiments. Hope you don't waste your time by checking these logic. 


              I tried to write pen down my thoughts of how i will flirt. I suddenly found out a picture from nowhere which suddenly describes what i have wanted to tell by writing a long essay. The below image says it all: Flirting- My version                I hope to shed this habit soon!!!!




I think this might be true for most people. 


We can't make everybody happy all the time. But its very important to keep yourself happy all the time. If we cant able to do this, then our life is in danger.