Look around our surroundings or around you right now – if you were suddenly whisked away from this reality, would you be trying desperately to hang onto everything around you or just let go of your surroundings and move on?

Most people prefer to hang onto the earlier option than the later one. But try to live your life as if you might suddenly be whisked away. I am not saying that it will happen. I am saying to expect the unexpected. Be forewarned that your illusion of daily comfort and routine is just that – illusion. Spirit advises practicing detachment: it is the best way to live during these extraordinary times of rapid change on our beloved planet Earth. When you are willing to experiment and ready to explore the newer avenues or the roads less travelled, our life will be much more interesting.


  1. ur thought s nice its might seem real fr ppl lik u,sudha nt practical..cant jus live without expecting or depending on our dear ones..n cant b living expectin d unexpected..

    1. Am saying that you need not live your life by expecting the unexpected. I just wanted to emphasise that we have to be ready to face even the most unexpected events in our life.

  2. ya its d dream attitude fr evry1..if v r lik dat, v r sure 2 succeed...

  3. Super Anand:-)We are in wave:-)


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