Everything happens for a reason!!!

When you see one of your friends achieving what they have longed for or dreamed about, it will be one of those moments when you find ultimate joy. I have experienced when i saw my friend Priya on screen as VJ interviewing Siddharth about his upcoming movie "Enakkul Oruvan". I have actually watched this video in bits and pieces on Tuesday and wanted to congratulate her for achieving the dream. By midnight of the next day, I again saw the video without any break and found that she was just awesome and it didn't look like her first interview. I thought about congratulating her at that instant itself and since it was past midnight, i messaged her about what i truly felt about the interview. Like i was thinking, i just forgot to call her (i usually don't forgot dates and appointments) on the morning of next day also. Suddenly by 9 p.m., I realized that today also i forgot to call. I called her and told about how much i felt happy for her. While we were talking, she told that it was her brother's wedding reception on that day and my message was like a perfect start for her day. That words did made my day as well. 

At that moment, I realized that "Everything, even very little things, happen in our life for some reason". I may have called her the previous day or the next day also. But i felt that it happened to be the perfect moment for that talk. Thank you.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Have a happy life ahead.

Why am i providing so much buildup to her? 

First up, she is my friend. 
Second up, she was really good. 
You can watch the interview for yourself at:

Note:This post is for you Priya.


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